历时15年倾力打造生物菌株研发团队 以生物科技发展为主土壤改良作出贡献!

Soil conditioner

Product superiority

Adopting the international leading technology of steam-raising system, the soil forming rocks are used as the main raw materials to form a multi-elememt micro-holes mineral soil conditioner. The products include 72 kinds of micronutrients such as potassium, silicon, calcium and magnesium, which are the preferred products of healthy soil and organic farming.

Product feature

Improve acidification, regulate salinification, passivate heavy metal

The product is alkaline, PH value is 10.5. The product can be used to adjust the acidic soil. The calcium and magnesium ions contained in this product can reduce the effect of sodium ion adsorption and reduce the harmful effect of salinization. At the same time, the small mineral particles can absorb heavy metal elements and make them passivated or fixed to achieve the purpose of controlling the pollution of heavy metals.

Adverse resistance, improve quality, prevent soil hardening

This product has the characteristics of sustained release effect, which can provide comprehensive nutrition and various trace elements. It can improve soil permeability and water retention. Meanwhile it can increase crop resilience such as disease resistance, insect resistance, lodging resistance, drought resistance, cold resistance and so on. This product can improve the root system of crops and promote growth. It can improve the hardness of agricultural products, enhance the taste of agricultural products and improve the ability of storage.

Suitable crop

Fruit, vegetable, Chinese herbal medicine, rice and other fields can be used

Method of operation

Soil conditioner general should be mixed with organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer as base fertilizer used in farmland.
