历时15年倾力打造生物菌株研发团队 以生物科技发展为主土壤改良作出贡献!

Soil becoming better, earthworm turning more

Li Zhuangzhi (13014543900) who lives in Guanzhuang town, Qi county, Henan province, has planted 4 hectares of onion. In the year 2017, Genliduo test field on onion and garlic is widely held in Qi county, Li Zhuangzhi also wants to have a try of Genliduo’s products.

Only 1/30 of the 4 hectares of onion is chosen as the test field, same seeds, same management, different fertilizer, what’s the difference of effect? In the middle May of this year, Local sales manager of Genliduo, Zhu Yongji walked to Li Zhuangzhi’s test field to pay a return visit of the application effect and hope to give any help to farmers at the same time.

On the whole, Onions grow differently in the test field than those in the non-test field. The leaves are big and strong, and the shallots are slightly larger than the Onions on either side. When Mr. Zhu pulled out an onion at random, he found an earthworm crawling in the spring onion pit. Is it good or bad to have earthworms?


  Since the 1950s, the input of fertilizer in agriculture has increased rapidly. Because of our long-term focus on improving crop yield per unit area, heavy use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides, deterioration of soil physical and chemical properties, soil fertility decline, accelerate the surface soil erosion, soil crust and the chemical characteristics of degradation(soil acidification, soil salinity, soil harden and the loss of soil fertility, etc.)so that the soil earthworm survival environment destruction leading to reduction or extinction of earthworm, earthworm reduce represents the soil organisms becomes shallow and reduction of soil quality!

  Earthworm waste contains rich inorganic salts, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can increase soil organic matter and improve soil structure, also can promote the acidic or alkaline soil into neutral soil, increase the composition of phosphorus and phosphorus, make soil more suitable for the growth of crops. The feeding activities of earthworms enhance the biological process of decomposition of plant residues, and the mineral mineralization process of surrounding litter is accelerated due to the high content of worm excrement which contains easy hydrolyzed nitrogen. Earthworm activities can alter the spatial distribution of soil organic matter, make soil organic matter in plaque distribution, and can mix organic matter and mineral soil, form soil particles rich in organic matter, to provide physical protection for organic matter, then slow down the transition of the organic matter.


  At the same time, earthworm activity can increase the concentration of soil mineralized nitrogen, because earthworm consumes a large number of soil microorganisms, accelerating the mineralization and transformation of microbial tissues. Worms burrowing behaviors and feeding preference is closely associated with the characteristics of the source of soil organic P, earthworm activities facilitate phosphorus moves down, improves the plaques distribution of phosphorus in the soil, at the same time in the "hot spot" areas such as caves and worm dung can significantly change the status of phosphorus, such as libraries of soluble and organic phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase activity, etc.

  Earthworms influence the soil structure mainly through their excrement and pore, which can promote the soil agglomeration process and make it easy for air and water to reach the roots of plants. For example, the pH value of earthworm excretion is significantly higher than that of surrounding soil, which can play a certain regulatory role. In addition, earthworms can indirectly change the community structure of nematodes through many ways, such as direct ingestion of nematodes in soil and litter, or through worm feces. Studies have found that there are few plant parasitic nematodes in earthworm feces.


  I remember in 2017, an user leaves a message in the Genliduo official subscription, said his fields applied Genliduo’s products for several years, found that the earthworm is becoming more and more and like eating organic matter, he asked to have good solution, because he is afraid of worms ate up his input of organic matter, and cannot achieve the effect of organic fertilizer should be. First of all, earthworms like to eat the organic components of bio organic fertilizer, which indicates that the quality of organic matter is beyond doubt. Secondly, the increasing number of earthworms indicates that bio organic fertilizer has made a significant breakthrough in improving soil. Otherwise, saline-alkali or acidified or even compacted soil is not suitable for the survival of earthworms at all. Thirdly, the organic matter itself cannot be directly absorbed by the crop, but needs the decomposition and transformation of microbial flora, the organic acid from the transformation can be absorbed by the crop. Finally, earthworm excretion from eating organic matter by earthworm is equivalent to adding a transformation pathway to organic matter, because earthworm feces can be absorbed by crops.

  To sum up, the earthworm can improve soil structure, break down organic matter, improve transformation rate, free soil and promote fertility, improve soil environment and promote activity of enzyme and other multiple effects, only healthy soil have worms in, the healthier of soil, the more of earthworm. Apply bio organic fertilizer, earthworm becomes more in soil, that can only show, you picked up a treasure!